Visa and Immigration

25 Januari 2019


Standard Operating Procedure

The Reception for Foreign Students at Andalas University

Code: A.I.

Published date:

Unit: UPT Layanan International (International Office)

University Rector Decree No.           :




The foreign students reception is the selection of fresh students with foreign nationality who are eligible to join the Student Mobility ( short course 1-12 months), Undergraduate Courses, Post Graduate Programs at Andalas University (UNAND) 


This SOP explains the following items:

1.      The application and reception for foreign students

2.      The steps to acquire LoA from Andalas University

3.      The procedures to acquire study permit from The Ministry of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia

4.      The application procedure for Visa Telex and VITAS

Application Procedures

1.      The applicants (foreign student candidates) should submit the application directly to the Andalas University (UNAND) Rector by attaching the completed appliaction form (Attachment A. I.1.) (Application form should have been submitted at least 5 months prior to the arrival in Indonesia)

2.      The International Office will inform the selected Faculty about the foreign students application. If accepted, then the International Office will forward the acceptance to the University Rector. 

3.      Andalas Univeristy Rector will respon the acceptance of the applicants through Letter of Acceptance (LoA) (Attachment A.I.2.)

4.      Based on the LoA from the University Rector, the applicant can propose the Study Permit to the office of Indonesian Higher Education, Research and Technology in Jakarta through the International Office which will process the Study Permit by completing the Study Permit Application Form (Attachment A.I.3.)

5.      After having the Study Permit (Attachment A.I.4.), the applicant will receive Official Acceptance Decree as the student of Andalas University from the University Rector (Attachment A.I.5.)

6.      International Office will process the VISA TELEX application at the Jakarta Imigration Office by completing the VISA TELEX application form (Attachment A.I.6.)

7.      The approval of VISA TELEX (Attachment A.I.7.) will be sent to the applicant to be followed up by VITAS (Limited Stay Permit) application to the Indonesian Embacy at the applicant’s home country (Attachment A.I.8.).

8.      The applicant may depart to Indonesia once he/she has received the VITAS (Attachment A.I.9.) and report the arrival to the International Office of Andalas University.


1.      Ministrial Decree from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) No. 25 Tahun 2017 about the Procedure and Requirement to a student at Indonesian University for Foreigner

2.      Ministrial Decree from the Ministry of Law and Human Right of Indonesian Republic (Permenkumham RI) No. 51 Tahun 2016 about the Amandement on (Permenkumham RI) No. 24 TAhun 2016 about the Technical Procedure and Visiting Visa Application and Vitas.

3.      Circular Letter from the Directorat Generale of Imigration No. IMI-IZ.01.10.1217 Tanggal 7 Juni 2010 about the Visa Requirements and Limited Stay Permit for Foreign Students.